Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Designer Babies Blog

Is technology getting out of are hands? Technology is developing everyday, which isn’t a bad thing, but now I think it’s getting out of control. “Designer Babies” is one of the technologically developed feature.

What are Designer Babies? Designer Babies have been presented as an advanced technology that can allow doctors and parents to alter embryos for genetic disorders. Basically they get to customize their own baby, but it isn’t in affect right now, but from knowing how fast technology grows, it has a chance of being highly used in the future. This is where the main question comes in. Is technology getting out of are hands?

People fear that later on in the future, parents and doctors will even have access to being able to choose babies characteristics using a genetic technology. “Designer Babies” is a term used by the media to describe this situation.

An ethical implication we should consider is:

Is the human modification technology safe? What kind of impact would this have on the society? Well technology is known to usually have side effects in someway. In this specific technology, there are a few safety concerns people should be aware about, such as:

This genetic modification technology may introduce genes to random places in the genome, which will end up disrupting the function of another gene. There has been trials made on mice, and there is evidence that, you would have an increasing sensitivity to pain.

"It's the ultimate shopping experience: designing your baby," says biotechnology critic Jeremy Rifkin, "In a society used to cosmetic surgery and psychopharmacology, this is not a big step."
This just shows proof that technology is going to go out of control in the future. Maybe there are some advantages you can benefit from, but there is a good chance that you will regret it in the future.